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How does the linear array speaker functional module achieve uniform sound coverage?

The linear array speaker functional module achieves uniform sound coverage through several key principles and design features:

  1. Phase Alignment and Wavefront Shaping:

    • The drivers in a linear array speaker are carefully positioned and phase-aligned so that their individual sound waves combine to form a coherent wavefront. This controlled alignment allows the sound waves to travel in a more focused and directed manner, reducing the interference that often causes uneven sound distribution.
  2. Vertical Directivity Control:

    • Linear array speakers are designed to control the vertical dispersion of sound. By stacking multiple speaker drivers vertically and manipulating their phase and amplitude, the module can narrow the vertical dispersion while maintaining wide horizontal coverage. This directs sound more precisely towards the audience, minimizing reflections from ceilings and floors, which can lead to uneven sound.
  3. Progressive Curvature (J-Shaped Arrays):

    • In many linear arrays, the speaker modules are arranged in a slight curvature, often referred to as a J-shaped array. This curvature helps to target different audience areas more effectively, allowing the upper modules to cover distant areas while the lower modules cover closer seating. This helps in achieving consistent sound levels throughout the listening area.
  4. Frequency Shading:

    • Frequency shading involves varying the output of different drivers within the array for different frequencies. Higher frequencies are more directional, so they are managed to ensure they don't overpower the lower frequencies. This balance ensures that sound coverage remains uniform across the frequency spectrum, providing a consistent audio experience across different listening positions.
  5. Interference Reduction:

    • The design minimizes destructive interference by controlling the distance between drivers and ensuring that the sound waves produced by each driver reinforce each other rather than cancel out. This helps in maintaining a uniform sound field, even in large venues.
  6. Scalability and Modular Design:

    • Linear array speaker systems are modular, allowing additional modules to be added as needed to cover larger areas. This scalability ensures that even in expansive environments, sound coverage remains uniform by extending the reach of the array without compromising on sound quality.

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